
2月4日,大學國事學會於香港大學舉辦高桌晚宴(High Table Dinner)。活動當晚,有幸邀請到全國政協副主席梁振英先生擔任主講嘉賓,並以"Hong Kong’s Role in China-meets-the-world Cultural Exchange and International Cooperation” (香港在中外文化交流與國際合作的角色」)為題向學生和青年朋友作分享。活動除了有本地參加者外,也有來自英國、烏克蘭、敘利亞、格魯吉亞等地的學生參與。透過這次高桌晚宴活動,除了讓本地青年朋友對香港在國家發展和中外合作中可扮演的角色有更深刻的了解,本會也希望參與的海外學生回到自己國家後,以所聽所聞向當地人說好中國香港故事,真正促進中外人文交流、民心相通。
On February 4th, the University China Study Society (UCSS) organized the UCSS High Table Dinner, featuring Mr. Leung Chun-ying, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, as the esteemed guest speaker. He presented on "Hong Kong's Role in Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchanges and International Cooperation," sharing valuable insights with the students and young attendees. In addition to local students, young people from various countries, such as the UK, Ukraine, Syria, and Georgia, also participated in the event.
The primary goal of the event is to broaden the understanding of Hong Kong's potential in national development and Sino-foreign cooperation among the youth. At the end of the event, the Society encouraged the participating overseas students to share their newfound knowledge and insights with their respective local communities, thereby promoting cultural exchange and strengthening people-to-people bonds between China and the international community.

Mr. Leung emphasizes the inseparable relationship between China's rich history and its profound culture during his keynote speech. He encourages young people to deepen their understanding of Chinese culture and the national conditions so that they can act as bridges between Chinese and foreign cultures.

Vincent Kwok, Convener of UCSS, delivers a welcome speech and presents a souvenir to the guest speaker, Mr. Leung.

Mr. Leung engages with the hosts and responds to their questions during the discussion session, providing further insights into China's role in cultural exchanges and international cooperation.

A group photo featuring Mr. Leung and the participants at a table.

The participants pay close attention to Mr. Leung's sharing.

UCSS distributes souvenirs to each participant.

Mr. Leung interacts with the youth seated at the same table and listens to their personal experiences and ideas regarding cultural exchanges.

Local and overseas students engage in lively interactions and conversations.

A student from HKU Faculty of Law asks a question to Mr. Leung.